git 保存密码 for windows
1.First, download git-credential-winstore and install it in your git bin directory.
首先下载git-credential-winstore.exe 然后移动到git的bin目录下
2.Next, make sure that the directory containing git.cmd is in your Path environment variable. The default directory for this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd on a 64-bit system o
Git基本命令 git clone 克隆代码
git branch 分支
git status 当前分支及其操作记录
git diff 代码更改记录
git checkout 检出|切换分支
git add 添加新建文件
git commit -am "提示信息:提交所有修改"
git push origin master|branch-new 推送远程分支多分支开发注意事项1.只改写自己负责的模块,轻易不同改写其他分支负责的代码
*3.分支push之前先要merge master
*4.merge master之前,先要pull origin master ,实时
Git基本命令 git clone 克隆代码
git branch 分支
git status 当前分支及其操作记录
git diff 代码更改记录
git checkout 检出|切换分支
git add 添加新建文件
git commit -am "提示信息:提交所有修改"
git push origin master|branch-new 推送远程分支克隆源代码及新创建分支与合并 ##克隆源代码
git clone http://拉取|克隆源代码
# create a new branch locally